Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo Huaco, from Guaman Poma, El primero nueva cor≤nica y buen gobierno, Rolena Adorno and John Murra edition, Siglo Veintiun Editores, Mexico City. Used by permission.


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The Inca


ccording to the version of the Inca origin myth recorded in 1609 by Garcilaso de la Vega, a half-Inca, half-Spanish chronicler, the Incas were once an uncivilized people who lived like wild beasts. Father Sun took pity on the people and sent his son and daughter by the Moon, Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo Huaco, to teach the people to cultivate the earth, build towns, and live by laws. The Sun gave his two children a golden staff and told them to set up their court in the place where it sank into the ground with one thrust. That place was Cuzco. They divided the new city in half, with Manco Capac presiding over the upper half and Mama Ocllo Huaco over the lower. Manco Capac taught the men agriculture and how to build irrigation canals. Mama Ocllo Huaco taught the women to weave and spin.